Backup using Ccollect and a TomatoUSB router
Ccollect is a pretty simple tool to do incremental backups, and it works easily on a small router with TomatoUSB.
- install coreutils
- install openssh
- create ~/.ssh/config
nvram setfile2nvram /home/root/.ssh/config nvram commit
- to delete:
nvram unset FILE=/home/root/.ssh/config; nvram commit)
- create a symlink on boot
- this would not work in the UI admin -> script -> init:
ln -s /tmp/mnt/OPTWARE/ccollect/ssh_config /home/root/.ssh/config
- but this worked: admin -> scrips -> firewall:
ln -s /tmp/mnt/OPTWARE/ccollect/ssh_config /home/root/.ssh/config
- this would not work in the UI admin -> script -> init:
- ccollect script bk_domain.sh:
#!/bin/sh export PATH="/opt/bin:$PATH" CCOLLECT_CONF="/tmp/mnt/OPTWARE/ccollect/conf" /tmp/mnt/OPTWARE/ccollect/ccollect daily domain.name
- add schedule in admin-sched.asp
- exclude file on local
/proc /dev /sys /lost+found /bin /boot /initrd /lib /sbin /tmp /usr /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old /var/lib/mysql
- backup mysql in a cron
01 01 * * * /usr/bin/mysqldump --all-databases | gzip > /backup/folder/mysql-$((RANDOM)).gz
- links